“We rule, dude” (Chapter six)


I finished the book. YES! Here are my thoughts: 

In chapter six, the author wrote about knowledge deficit, where company executives don’t know their subordinates’ jobs. The CEOs from conglomerates are assertive and innately talented at delegating entire masses of workers toward a goal; however, they rarely know what each one’s everyday workload. This seems all too true.

The root of lacking communication between leaders and followers in business is—drum roll—human conversation coming to an end, as written by the author.

“Genuine” conversation with the company’s targeted market and its employees is vital for growth and future prosperities. Something so simple is overlooked in the workplace because everyone is so caught up in their duties, and lives. Then management wonders why their workers’ attitude is composed of disgruntlement. I know this from experience being part of the minion level in the hierarchy.

The author then explains the Web has no real definite or defined future. That’s true. The Web is rhetorical, like these blogging assignments. It’s what you make of it.

The 12 steps were interesting; I could narrow it to three: find a voice, be brave and, of course, have a sense of humor. People don’t have fun at work or with their coworkers until happy hour arrives at their usual spot. They spend eight hours working together, but not really working together, if that makes sense.

“Ignorance is power” detailed in chapter seven is the truth. People who live in darkness are shielded by its primitive power: lacking deeper sense of truth. What is the truth? There isn’t a right answer, but knowledge offers more versions of it, opening the person to a higher sense of objectivity.

The power of invisibility is a double-edge sword like most concepts. Being invisible, as the author noted, allows people to be left alone, to go unnoticed, allowing them to live their lives peacefully. Invisibility also musters a sense of being ignore; you ignore me, I ignore you. That’s why most Americans walk past each other and rarely make eye contact or greet each other, at least in cities. Small-town America may be something else.

I close with the corporations are like Pinocchio: They lie, their nose grows, but most don’t notice the growth, and who holds the strings? Mainstream consumers do. We do. You do. I do.

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