Archive for the ‘SJSU’ Category

My Final Project

May 22, 2007

This is my vlog and feed address.


May 22, 2007

Just because its buried several days back, here is my rss url again

Thats all.

My Vidcast, done!

May 19, 2007

Here is the RSS feed of the vidcast I am proud to submit as my final project.
“Whew, cool.” See you all in class.

Bike to work day

May 17, 2007

Cameraphone Post: It is bike to work day
Did you ride your bike to work today? I did, and it was a great day to ride. This energizer station was set up at the corner of Fourth and San Fernando on the northwest corner of SJSU. They had coffee, fruit, powerbars and cake as well as a bag and handouts for all cyclists. What a great way to start the day!

Class overview, May 15, 2007

May 13, 2007

Final Project Wrap-up
We will be discussing the Final Project Assignment. Time lines are critical for successful completion of this project. To go over the process, I will do the whole thing, including posting the feed of the project to iTunes in this final class. Tutorials for most of this process are available at freevlog. All audio and or video formats must be iTunes compatible, as per assignment.

This will be the last chance students will get to work in the lab with my assistance before the final. Wise use of this time is advised.

Due This Day:
There are no deliverables due this day. But at this point you should just be wrapping up this project. To be sure your project is appropriate check the Final Project Assignment. Here is what you should have done at this point:

  • The URL of your Blogger blog should be posted to the class blog. This blog should include in its header a description of what your channel is. All posts must be appropriate for that channel.
  • A 300×300 pixel mug of yourself. This image should be posted to the class ftp server.
  • One screen shot, photos or graphic images representing each of your three episodes should be done. These three (or more) images should be posted to the class ftp server. These images should not exceed 400 pixels wide.
  • You should have all three audio and/or video projects done, with photos/screen shots/graphic images linking to them. These graphics files should be uploaded to the class ftp server and must be on your Blogger blog.
  • An RSS feed should be done (recommended procedure is via FeedBurner) and posted to the class blog.
  • All work on this project should be completed no later than Sunday, May 20.

Naked Conversations: Looking Forward

May 10, 2007

This section of the book is called “The Big Picture.”  Within this section, in the chapter entitled, “Emerging Technology,” the authors write about some developments that were occurring or gaining popularity as they wrote the book (and are still developing today).

One of these things is RSS.  I don’t even think I knew what RSS was before I took this class.  Now, I’m just starting to subscribe to blogs’ RSS feeds.  However, blogs aren’t the only websites with RSS feeds.  The authors wrote, “Almost any content page on the Web can be RSS-enabled, and more of them are doing so every day.”  I hadn’t considered subscribing to the RSS feed of something like the New York Times, for instance.  I was vaguely aware that a website, not necessarily a blog, could offer this kind of service.  It would be useful to know when a page has been updated, thanks to RSS feeds, without having to directly check the website.

The authors also mentioned podcasting.  I only recently downloaded iTunes and started subscribing to a few podcasts, one of which I got through the iTunes store.  Meanwhile, vlogging was a new term for me when I started taking this class.  Writing in a blog was doable, but when it came to making and editing videos, that was foreign to me.  However, in this class, I’ve had to make videos and create my own vlog.  Who knows what the future holds, regarding myself and also the emerging technology?

I’ve reached the end of Naked Conversations, and this class is winding down.  However, for me, I think this is just the beginning.  Although I may not have always understood what was going on in class, I’m becoming more aware of concepts and aspects related to technology.

Naked Conversations, pgs. 211-232

May 8, 2007

’94-Web surfing emerged.
’98-Google search engine with algorithms.
Present-RSS feeds. (Don’t forget your aggregator.)
Future-You inside the monitor. Just kidding.

RSS feed buttons, those orange squares with white waves within them are the latest fad in Web technology. People can to thousands of RSS feeds.

RSS feeds are similiar to direct mailings that are developed by marketing teams in corporations across the world. Direct marketers, as the book mentions, can use this avenue of targeting.

iTunes then introduced podcasts in June 2005. The podosphere came about. VJ visionary Adam Curry had one of the first podcasts. His network produces 35 porgrams, as Naked Conversations reports.

Other media mega-moguls like the BBC network followed.

Doug Kaye says businesses would make more money if they gave away their podcasts. I agree. It’s a great way to lure an audience because they’re trying something on their terms, without monetary restrictions. Then when the company comes out with a product, the subscribers will want to buy their items.

I also agree with Kaye about companies not selling their database list to other companies for a profit. In the long run, it won’t be a profit because the subscribers will be irritated at these extra e-mails and Internet spam. That spam will lead for people to stray away from the company who betrayed their trust.

Videos are slowly emerging? I agree with the book because I’m taking a class on multimedia, while most still have trouble with their media like digital cameras and video development. I’m sure the younger generations will be more tech savvy; however, the older population will struggle with these new technologies.

Tagging is important for standing out. Nowadays, you type in one word in a search engine and you receive many results, so imagine you’re trying to be that needle found in the haystack. It’ll never happen without tags. I know from the STEM club meetings that tags are vital for prominence within a search engine. Andrew Venegas was able to have anything he tags be one of the top results on Google. Wow!

The final chapter offers a regurgitation of all the central concepts discussed throughout the book.

In all, the book was a stimulating read. It flowed with many facts, and its complex concepts were easy to understand. I particularly like the examples of companies and individuals because it gave words like podcasts, blogs and PR a face and identity. It wasn’t words anymore, it was history being retold in an informative, insightful manner.

It was a good read; much better than Cluetrain Manifesto.

Again, that’s just my humble opinion.

Naked Conversations: Do’s and Don’ts

May 8, 2007

“There are no rules.”  That’s something I’ve heard in class from time to time.  Technology is constantly changing and becoming more advanced.  It’s a time of experimentation and exploration, so why focus on rules?  However, there are a couple chapters in Naked Conversations that focus on “Blogging Wrong & Right.”  I didn’t think there were rules about blogging.  Then again, in this case, “rules” is too strong of a word.  How about referring to them as guidelines instead?   As informal as that may be, people or businesses may want to think twice if they plan on disregarding these guidelines, though.

According to the authors, “authenticity is the core value that makes blogging such a new and different way for businesses to communicate.  If authenticity is the defining feature of blogging, then credibility is its benefit.”   When blogging, your “voice” should come across naturally.  Blogging shouldn’t feel forced, as if you were trying too hard.   Instead,  keep it simple, and write about things that you’re passionate about in your blog.  If you’re interested in what you’re writing, then it’ll come across in your blog.

Something that I learned is the importance of comments at blogs.  OK, I’ll admit that my very first blog was at my MySpace account.  When people left comments at my blog, I would respond to their comments- if at all -by leaving a comment at their profile, waiting until the next time I talked them in person, etc.  However, blogging is a conversation, so it’s important to present it that way: have a conversation through the blog comments.  This also goes with being accessible, another tip from the authors.

Another “do” is linking to other websites.  Don’t limit your links to Web sites just inside of your business or organization.  Personally, I like it when Web sites, including blogs, have links to other sites.  It enhances the reading experience, and I can find more information about related topics.  From the blogger’s point of view, especially a business or organization, it’s important to have links, so you can “be the absolute best resource you can be for your readers.”

Overall, the information in this section is pretty straightforward, but it’s good to be aware of it.  It’ll come in handy, whether I blog for fun or my future job.

Naked Conversations, pgs. 99-146

May 4, 2007

Wow, it’s amazing that public relations spokespeople rank so low in the Trust Barometer survey. Isn’t their job’s backbone to ensure the public that they are credible and trustworthing? (Good thing I’m following my career aspirations in print journalism, online or technical writing.) PR people are thought of as “spin masters.” Ouch.

 Their untrustworthiness stems from their vague, evasive language. They’re the opposite of bloggers who write in simple, clean assertions. PR tactics take sometimes weeks to be processed through a myraid of departments; blogs are directly released from the writer onto the World Wide Web.

Success in Richard Edelman, CEO of Edelman PR is a clear representative of someone in the dark world of PR who has gained dignity from the public through his blogs. He said: “Blogging is not a passing fad. Any brand, business or organization that fails to graps [that] fact may ver well be.” As I continue to read the book, I realize the importance of implementing a blog to answer questions and keep a close, direct relationship with the public. This book has made me understand the business fundamental of blogging, which I would implement in my own business, if I were crazy enough to start one.

“Shut up and listen,” Mike Manuel’s concise advice on blogging for companies. His words may seem abrasive, sharp and stern; however, he means well, and he couldn’t have said it any better. Save the diplomacy for ambiguous politicians. Manuel feels blogs democratize the media, drive corporate transparency and challenge the traditional PR practices.

Journalists, now, receive immediate reactions from the readers through blogs.

Trust can be built through blogospheres, and clouds of opaque confusion are dissolved through blogs.

Change up the tradition: Don’t use the same strategies or announcements; people want fresh copy. That’s so true. I know as a consumer I fatigue quickly of the same, over-used slogans and press releases that shed light on nothing.

BMW doesn’t blog? Or, at least when the book was written? I guess they’re too engrossed in building the ultimate driving machine but not the machine’s blogosphere. That’s disappointing.  That makes me think twice about buying their product; I might stray to Acura.

Spanish speakers, get with the program and blog! The book says Spanish is the second most popular language spoken, and it has only 50,000! Dalle!

The Irish are “quite guarded when it comes to personal and emotional issues”?  Wow, I would have never figured. I love how the book sheds light on international intimacy.

Bad people, don’t blog. You know who you are. Monologuers don’t even try to falsify your “listening skills.” Boring bloggers, you too. Bloggers like CEOs that use the communication avenue to predict big profits for the company and other nonsense will see a lack of attraction from readers.

There’s rarity in disgruntle workers being punished for their angry blogs regarding their bosses or the company.

In all, blogging continues to lure many, including myself. Build a presence through a blog. I want to propose a blog for my internship’s Web site to connect with the community on a intimate level. After Naked Conversations I’m sold on the notion that blogs are good for business.

Happy Birthday To Us

May 4, 2007

Gus Lease

Grey skies bright future
Despite inclement weather the university concluded Founders Week with a big birthday cake and a free lunch for all employees and students.